MSigDB v2022.1.Mm (Sep 2022)

Important Notices#

This page describes updates made to the Molecular Signatures Database for release 2022.1. This release introduces several major changes to previous conventions. MSigDB is now split into two major divisions; a series of gene set collections that are provided in the namespace of human gene symbols, and a series of gene set collections that are provided in the namespace of mouse gene symbols. As such the versioning convention of MSigDB has changed to adopt the format Year.Release.Species. This initial release in the new format is versioned 2022.1.Hs for the human collections and 2022.1.Mm for the mouse collections. Likewise, CHIP files have been updated to reflect this convention, as well as the specific series of collections (i.e. human or mouse) that they are targeted towards. Note that in order to access the MSigBD mouse collections through the GSEA UI, the latest version of GSEA (4.3.0) or newer is required. MSigDB v2022.1 is based on gene annotation data from Ensembl Release 107 (Jul 2022).

Initial Release of Mouse Collections (MSigDB v2022.1.Mm)#

The initial release of the MSigDB Mouse Collections contains the following 6 collections, with some collection numbers reserved for future development. Please see the Collection Details Page for collection-specific general information.

MH: mouse-ortholog hallmark gene sets#

The MSigDB Hallmarks collection is being made available in an orthology converted form to aid in initial exploratory analysis of mouse datasets utilizing orthology mappings to MGI IDs provided by the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) institute at The Jackson Laboratory.

M1: positional gene sets#

Ensembl IDs for genes were retrieved from the cytogenetic band annotations provided in Ensembl 102 release, corresponding to the GRCm38 assembly as cytogentic band annotatations for GRCm39 are not presently available.

M2: curated gene sets#


932 gene sets consisting of:


The initial release of the mouse C2:CP collection contains:

M3: regulatory target gene sets#

M5: ontology gene sets#

M5:GO which is divided into three sub-collections:


92 gene sets mined from the Mammalian Phenotype Ontology database corresponding to tumor specific ontology terms.

M8: cell type signature gene sets#

Two initial groups of gene sets are being provided in this initial release

CHIP file release#

Compendia expression profiles#

The investigate gene sets tool provides a mouse transcriptomic expression atlas derived from the Mouse Transcriptomic BodyMap compendium allowing for visualization of the expression of gene set genes across 17 mouse tissues.